SmartDegrees y Larrosa Academy certify in blockchain the training in the new music industry
Larrosa Academy students will have their diplomas registered and certified in blockchain by SmartDegrees. Those attending the Postgraduate Course in Blockchain, NFTs, Financing and Growth Hacking for the Music Industry are the first to benefit from the advantages that blockchain provides to their diplomas in agility, convenience and security.
This is the first postgraduate course oriented to the new music industry, where its students learn how to obtain financing for their musical projects, understand blockchain technology and NFTs, as well as what to do with these technologies in the music industry along with other techniques to increase their profits and optimize their yields.
The new music industry is the transformation of the traditional industry, the record, publishing and rights management models based on the use of more efficient technologies and innovative models that focus on independent creators, trying to decentralize as much as possible the music ecosystem.
These are the first professional certificates of skills and training in the new music industry, registered in a mature, hybrid blockchain network (own network and Alastria network, to provide greater transparency to the certificates), scalable and with the potential that allow smart contracts, such as Quorum, based on Ethereum. It uses the newly created European Commission Verifiable Credentials standard, which provides interoperability with other institutions. It uses the distributed ledger technology, blockchain, whose innovative character makes it the most important to change education and for the decentralization of the musical ecosystem, opening up enormous possibilities for graduate users, companies, educational institutions, platforms of work and recruiters.
Larrosa Academy students will be able to manage their certificates from their smartphone, through a free app that allows them the following benefits:
- It facilitates the enhancement of skills and abilities, streamlining their sharing with work platforms, recruiters, social networks and third parties.
- The student is the sovereign owner of their data and decides how, where and when to display it.
- The app and the supporting technology, blockchain, guarantee its inviolability and prevent fraud.